We are a non-denominational spirit-filled church. We began this year (2013) at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  We formed and directed a Healing Room since 2008.  From that beginning, we have formed a church with passionate praise and worship. A church, embracing a strong faith in the whole word of God which is as alive and true for today as it was when Jesus walked the earth. We are led by the Spirit of God so no two services are the same. We have a heart of compassion and a strength to stand in spiritual warfare. We have seen and expect to see more of the ever increasing miracles and the power of God released to set free those who have been bound from spiritual, physical, emotional and mental problems. Each person is valued in God's sight and in ours.


We are a ministry dedicated to proclaiming the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and deliver all.  We believe that-"it is done on earth as it is in heaven" and there is no sickness in heaven.

We labor for the goal that all come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

We teach and live by the Word of God so that others may mature as they receive revelation of the truth and see Jesus in us.

We believe that the infilling and baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers and brings power to us just as it did when Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and power.

We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We see no one as a stranger but rather as a child greatly loved by God, therefore, we welcome all who are hungry for God.

We believe that everyone has a ministry and a place in the body of Christ, the church.

We recognize that we can do nothing on our own, but rely on, and give glory to God.

We believe that praise and worship is essential in our lives.  Praise is giving back to God what He so richly deserves.  Worship ushers in the presence of God and His glory.  Praise is a powerful weapon to fight against all attacks. 
We believe that everything we do should be done in truth and love.



To see all who come healed and delivered.

To be a part of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

To please our God by our obedience and love.

To be a place of restoration for the hurting, broken, and bound.

To be individual temples for Him to dwell in as well as a corporate body, standing in unity, and faithful to do His work.